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June 2022

A Chinese-Based World Map Depicts Europe Between 1157 and 1166

When we think of Sino-European relations, we think of the Silk Road or today’s heated politics in Europe. But as today’s world has shown us, reality is much more complicated. In today’s paper, once more Dr Wang has a unique view on the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu《坤舆 万国全图》or Complete Geographical Map of All the Kingdoms of the World published by Matteo Ricci in 1602 in China. Here, she argues that this map shows a glimpse of the complicated European political landscape between 1157 and1166 which overlaps with the Southern Song Dynasty. Furthermore, she argues that a Sino-European relationship goes back long before the Common Era.

Chinese Explored Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica Long Before the Europeans

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, it is now summertime, but if you live in the Southern hemisphere, it is now winter. Today, this is common knowledge, but what about in antiquity? In this paper, by studying the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu 《坤舆万国全图》or Complete Geographical Map of All the Kingdoms of the World, Dr Wang makes the startling discovery that contrary to popular belief, Matteo Ricci and his Chinese collaborators did not base the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu solely on European Maps and instead shows proof the Ancient Chinese explored Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica, long before the Europeans.